Flannels have arrived!
Wishes by Sweetwater for Moda
comes with many patterns to choose from
Little Black Dress 2 by Basic Grey for Moda
this collection has the classic elegance covered. Greys, creamy neutrals and bold blacks all in beautiful designs. The entire collection is in store now.
Honky Tonk by Eric & Julie Comstock for Moda
comes with many patterns and precuts.
I hope that this inspires you to get busy in your sewing room. If not, come see them in person. Pictures never do justice but it is a start. Happy Friday!
Binding is something I love to do. It is that final thing to complete a quilt...just before the washing...just to see it pucker. So when my quilter brought me 3 quilts she had finished, I knew just what I was going to spend my next day doing. Binding! I used to hand stitch it all until recently I learnt (or should I say became brave enough) to machine stitch it. It takes some practice but stitching in the ditch looks quite elegant. This collection by Basic Grey called Little Black Dress 2 is supposed to be shipping out today or tomorrow. That means by next week I should have it out and ready to talk you into taking it home. Weird, I know, but people tell me that fabric talks to them. (it talks to me too)
Happy Monday!
We are in the midst of a blizzard in southern Manitoba! I can hardly see across the street. Our temps are going to drop to a -45 wind chill factor yet...and yesterday it was +1 outside. I have been keeping busy putting some quilts together. This one is a nine patch pattern using the Little Black Dress 2 collection by Basic Gray for Moda. I am super pumped about the arrival of these prints in January (crossing my fingers). The pre cuts are going fast already.
Stay warm and safe everyone!