2013 is nearly gone. Time to be thankful for all the days that came and went. We have had a crazy busy year but one I wont forget too quickly. Many dreams came true (my store), many financial decisions had to be made (moving to Winkler), and that is only 2 of the big ones. I think I have the best of all the worlds. I have great kids and a wonderful husband, together with great friends and a church we call home. BUT within this year we have also witnessed , again, all the hurt this world can offer. Many families broken where heaven has gained. Reality is...it can happen to anyone. I often worry about things I shouldn't. I cannot control it anyways. Once again my new years resolution will be to look for God in new ways. Sometimes I get so used to knowing and seeing where He shines, that I take them for granted. This Christmas I said 'wouldn't it be great to see what the new year will bring?' and then I thought about that. I don't think I could handle what I don't know. I will leave that in the hands of who IS in control. So I want to wish each one of you a wonderful new year and I am grateful for the relationships I have made with you. I look forward to seeing the projects we will all create in the coming year! I really need to take pictures of all the projects people bring in for 'show and tell'. That would make a fabulous book! (maybe a project for the store!) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! BLESS AND BE BLESSED (cause it feels good)

Comments on this post ( 2 )
Happy New Year Shari! Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm for sewing. You certainly have inspired me to get back into sewing!
— Marlene
Thanks Marlene, happy new year to you and your family too! I look forward to seeing projects you have sewn!
— Shari Dyck