Happy New Year!
2013 is nearly gone.  Time to be thankful for all the days that came and went.  We have had a crazy busy year but one I wont forget too quickly.  Many dreams came true (my store), many financial decisions had to be made (moving to Winkler), and that is only 2 of the big ones.  I think I have the best of all the worlds.  I have great kids and a wonderful husband, together with great friends and a church we call home. BUT within this year we have also witnessed , again, all the hurt this world can offer.  Many families broken where heaven has gained.  Reality is...it can happen to anyone.  I often worry about things I shouldn't.  I cannot control it anyways.  Once again my new years resolution will be to look for God in new ways.  Sometimes I get so used to knowing and seeing where He shines, that I  take them for granted.  This Christmas I said 'wouldn't it be great to see what the new year will bring?' and then I thought about that.  I don't think I could handle what I don't know.  I will leave that in the hands of who IS in control.    So I want to wish each one of you a wonderful new year and I am grateful for the relationships I have made with you.  I look forward to seeing the projects we will all create in the coming year!  I really need to take pictures of all the projects people bring in for 'show and tell'.  That would make a fabulous book!  (maybe a project for the store!)  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  BLESS AND BE BLESSED (cause it feels good)shari ipod 016
Little Black Dress 2 nine patch quilt (for me!)


We are in the midst of a blizzard in southern Manitoba!  I can hardly see across the  street.  Our temps are going to drop to a -45 wind chill factor yet...and yesterday it was +1 outside.  I have been keeping busy putting some quilts together.  This one is a nine patch pattern using the Little Black Dress  2 collection by Basic Gray for Moda.   I am super pumped about the arrival of these prints in January (crossing my fingers). The pre cuts are going fast already.

Stay warm and safe everyone!

and then the holidays are over....
I truly hope that each one of you had a wonderful Christmas is some way or other.  Some I know, will have struggled to make it through each day.  This is a hurting world.  But, we have hope because of Christmas!  We had a quiet Christmas season.  All our events happened on one day and that was the Sunday prior to the holidays.   But it was great to see family and eat my belly full. Soooo much food...   Christmas comes and goes too fast - so if you want to begin to prepare for next year, or you just want to take advantage of a sale...come in!  All Christmas prints and items made WITH Christmas prints are on sale! 40% off
Christmas Eve
It's Christmas Eve... the snow is falling... It's perfect for a moment in this heart broken, sinful world. I would have loved to be a shepherd who went to see baby Jesus so long ago. It must have been amazing, perfect for a moment...I would have just stared in awe. Then what? Someday I will hear the whole story. Better yet, meet the 'baby boy'. Do you know him? I hope you do. Take the time to slow down and take in what Christmas is all about. Merry Christmas everyone!